To say that I am thankful for the amazing people that I am surrounded by, is an understatement.

My clients, turned friends, have allowed me into their lives for the biggest purchases and sales… and beyond.  They trusted me… most of the time ;)  I don’t take that lightly.  I am continually grateful for the on-going support that I receive, year-after-year.

To those that were able to make it out to my annual Winter Wonderland Client Appreciation Event… thank you for letting me thank you!!  Incredibly, it was a sunshiney afternoon that forced us all outside to enjoy it!!

Between Bubble Balls, and cookies by my ridiculously talented friend/client Lucy, and the beautiful stones that Lee from Fluke Craft designed – it was a busy afternoon!!  Of course, we can’t forget about my dear friend and photographer Erin Campbell for capturing the day (please feel free to grab and share any of these great photos!!)  And finally, who could overlook the addition of Matthew from Gangster Cheese serving up grilled deliciousness – HELLO game changer!!

I dropped off all of your generous gift card donations (just last week!) to Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre – and as in past years, they were so very grateful for your generosity.

So, cheers my friends!!  To a wonderful year ahead, warmer days, and friendships I hold dear.  I can’t wait to see even more new faces at next year’s event!!

xx, Linz

PS… the donut pics below are just about THE best thing I’ve seen in a long time!!  I’m laughing so hard right now!!  So many should not have been included, but I had to!!